C# IStructuralEquatable Kullanımı Temel Açıklaması

C# IStructuralEquatable Kullanımı Temel Açıklaması

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It's normally expected that if you implement IEquatable.Equals you will also override Object.Equals to be consistent. In this case how would you support both reference and structural equality?

In certain scenarios (such birli using the value type bey a key in a dictionary) it güç murder performance in one foul swoop.

Reference types (read classes) don't benefit bey much. The IEquatable implementation does let you avoid a cast from System.Object but that's a very trivial gain. I still like IEquatable to be implemented for my classes since it logically makes the intent explicit.

Does anyone know what happens if you do hamiş implement iequtalable when using generic collections? 2

Bildiğiniz gibi new operatrisü classlarda kullanıldığı zaman müteallik classtan bir nesne istek edilmekte ve üretilen nesne belleğin Heap kısmında koruma edilmektedir.

If two objects compare kakım equal, the GetHashCode method for each object must return the same value. However, if two objects do not compare bey equal, the GetHashCode methods for the two object do derece have to return different values.

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When an implementer overrides the virtual Equals method in a struct, the purpose is C# IStructuralEquatable Nasıl kullanılır to provide a more efficient means of performing the value equality check and optionally to base the comparison on some subset of the struct's field or properties.

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When working with collections or structures where the order of elements matters, and you want to compare their structures, IStructuralEquatable can be useful.

GitHub'da bizimle işbirliği bünyen Bu dâhilğin kaynağı GitHub'da bulunabilir; burada antrparantez problemlerı ve çekme isteklerini oluşturup gözden geçirebilirsiniz. Henüz ziyade vukuf bağırsakin yardımda kâin kılavuzumuzu inceleyin.

Now that our struct is immutable the actual issue comes up when you need to compare these values. When I started to write the code to fix the bug I just decided that "hey I have the old values, I kişi just compare each of them":

Just look at the default ValueType.Equals(object) code that gets called otherwise. It's an absolute performance killer that introduces boxing, type evaluation and finally falls back on reflection if any of the fields are reference types.

Being able to specify IStructuralEquatable/IStructuralComparable in such cases is actually useful. It would also be inconvenient to pass a TupleComparer or ArrayComparer everywhere you want to apply this type of comparison. The two approaches are hamiş mutually exclusive.

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